Welcome to ISLA:
Your Low-EMF Sanctuary at Gran Pacifica

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What Is Low-EMF Living

What Is Low-EMF Living

Discover community at Gran Pacifica 

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are everywhere in our tech-driven world. From cell phones to Wi-Fi, these invisible waves constantly surround us. Studies suggest that excessive EMF exposure can have negative effects on our well-being. 

There are few low-EMF villages in the US and few, if any, in Central America. ECI has committed to developing an Innovative Sustainable Lifestyle Alternative (ISLA) neighborhood within Gran Pacifica Resort in Nicaragua. Gran Pacifica is an ideal location to develop a low-EMF zone because of its remote location.  

Over the past 20 years, interest in Nicaragua and the ex-pat community has grown substantially. The low cost of living compared to neighboring countries, plus providing the same geographical benefits, has driven more and more Americans/ Canadians to relocate to Nicaragua each year.  

The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive paradigm shift in adults of all ages regarding where in the world to call home. The ability to maintain an income remotely from anywhere in the world is becoming increasingly accessible and is a significant catalyst for the growing ex-pat population in Nicaragua. This nation has stood as a bastion of personal liberty, especially noted during recent global challenges, by refraining from lockdowns and mandates, preserving the sanctity of individual choice and business continuity. 

If relocating to a low-EMF zone where you can enjoy a much lower cost of living than North America is on your agenda, then Gran Pacifica’s ISLA was explicitly designed for you! Enjoy year-round warm temperatures, and be a short walk from the beach while enjoying peace of mind.

Benefits of Low-EMF Living

Quality family time at the beach in Gran Pacifica 

Quality family time at the beach in Gran Pacifica 

Improved Sleep Quality 

In the tranquil embrace of a low-EMF environment, residents often discover the profound impact such conditions can have on their sleep quality. The absence of pervasive electromagnetic fields can allow the body’s natural rhythms to flourish uninterrupted by modern technology’s subtle but pervasive influence. As sleep is cradled in the arms of this quietude, it deepens and becomes more restorative, renewing the mind and body with greater efficiency. In this sanctuary, the usual buzz accompanying our tech-laden world is replaced with a serene calm, possibly alleviating sleep disorders and ensuring that individuals awaken feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This environment may be particularly beneficial for those sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, for whom a reduction in nighttime exposure can significantly improve sleep quality. 

Enhanced Mental Clarity 

Navigating through a world with minimized electromagnetic interference, the mind may experience newfound clarity. In a setting where the air is nearly free from EMFs, cognitive processes can operate with increased acuity, free from the potential fog that some believe is associated with high EMF levels. The result is an environment conducive to focus, learning, and creativity. The clarity that comes from living in a low-EMF space can foster a heightened sense of presence and engagement, allowing for a more mindful approach to daily tasks and interactions and, ultimately, a more productive and fulfilling lifestyle. 

Reduced Stress and Anxiety 

The pursuit of a low-EMF lifestyle can be a crucial contributor to reducing overall stress and anxiety levels. In a world where the hum of technology is ever-present, finding refuge in spaces designed to cut down on electromagnetic chatter can be akin to a breath of fresh air for the nervous system. The gentle reprieve from the invisible pressures of our wired world may support a more relaxed state of being, lower physiological stress responses, and encourage a peaceful state of mind. Such environments may provide a sense of calm and a haven from the relentless pace of contemporary life, offering residents a chance to unwind fully and engage with their surroundings more harmoniously.  

Minimized Exposure to Potential Health Risks. 

Embracing a low-EMF lifestyle is a precaution, prioritizing minimizing exposure to potential health risks associated with electromagnetic fields. While the science on the long-term effects of EMF exposure continues to evolve, living in an environment with reduced EMF levels can be a proactive measure to safeguard one’s health. This approach resonates with the principle of preventive wellness, mitigating the unknown variables associated with the ubiquitous presence of EMFs in the modern landscape. It’s a choice that reflects a thoughtful consideration of the environment we inhabit and its potential impacts on our well-being, now and in the future.  


The ISLA Low-EMF Neighborhood at Gran Pacifica

Surf one of two great breaks along 3.5 miles of Pacific beach

Surf one of two great breaks along 3.5 miles of Pacific beach

ISLA Phase I is an 83-home community developed on the Pacific coastline of Nicaragua. Its remote location makes ISLA ideally situated for developing a low-EMF neighborhood.  

Before choosing to develop ISLA at this specific location, EMF levels were measured so that GRAN PACIFICA would be assured that EMF levels were sufficiently low to ensure good health.  

There is a dedicated group of professionals behind this project who understand the lack of communities for people who are sensitive to and sickened by EMF radiation. GRAN PACIFICA is dedicated to providing a community for people who usually don’t have other options.  

A healthier, more balanced life. This is the ultimate goal, and ISLA, Gran Pacifica’s low-EMF- EMF Community, is focused on delivering a lifestyle that embodies this philosophy.  

One rule that stands out often throughout your research on the potential health effects of EMF exposure is to spend time in Nature. You can only get closer to nature as the teak forest buffers ISLA. With the opportunity to add even more organic, natural, and sustainable flora, ISLA provides an ideal shield against exposure to EMF.

Benefits of Owning at ISLA

In the heart of Nicaragua, where verdant forests meet the whispering sea, ISLA stands as a visionary community, marrying the art of living with the wisdom of sustainability. Each home is a testament to thoughtful design tailored to the nuances of your desires. Here, personalization is not just an option but a promise, with a company dedicated to crafting houses and sanctuaries that are safe, secure, and resonate with your dreams.  

Within this nurturing enclave, you’re not just acquiring property but embracing a lifestyle where freedom and ownership intertwine seamlessly. ISLA owners are granted a ‘Fee Simple Title’ (HPR Escritura Publica), ensuring 100% ownership of their home and land—your slice of paradise, unequivocally yours. 

EMF-Conscious Journey Begins at Arrival: We understand the journey to ISLA can be taxing, especially for those sensitive to electromagnetic fields. From the moment you touch down in Managua, our EMF-conscious transportation is ready to ensure a stress-free transit to your new sanctuary. Our team, attuned to the needs of those affected by EMF exposure, will provide a comforting, low-EMF environment from the airport to ISLA. This seamless service is designed to let you recuperate and adjust peacefully, without the need to worry about the proximity of cell towers or Wi-Fi routers. It’s our way of saying we’re here for you, every step of the way.

Surrounding you are kindred spirits—a community of like-minded individuals who celebrate your decision to relocate and provide a bastion of support and safety. The spirit of camaraderie here transcends mere neighborliness, fostering a sanctuary where one can thrive amidst collective goodwill. 

In embracing Nicaragua’s gentle climes, ISLA residents reap the rewards of a low cost of living without compromise. The remarkable amenities of Gran Pacifica are but a stone’s throw away, enriching daily life with both convenience and luxury. Moreover, this nation has stood as a bastion of personal liberty, especially noted during recent global challenges, by refraining from lockdowns and mandates, preserving the sanctity of individual choice and business continuity.  

Nicaragua, by its resolute stance echoed by only a few countries worldwide, has said a firm ‘no’ to overreaching health regulations. This sovereign integrity extends to ISLA, where the values of personal freedom and health autonomy are not just upheld but celebrated.  

Statistics speak volumes, painting Nicaragua as a sanctuary within Central America, recognized as the friendliest and one of the safest nations, a tranquil neighbor to Canada in the Northern Hemisphere. Here, the promise of safety is not a luxury but a ubiquitous reality, allowing peace of mind to be as natural as the gentle evening breeze. 

As you meander through the community, the abundance of ISLA becomes evident. Plentiful clean water and easy access to organic, locally sourced sustenance—from the day’s freshest catch to grass-fed meats and free-range poultry—await at remarkably affordable prices. This isn’t just about embracing a new home; it’s about indulging in a cornucopia of nature’s finest, enriching your table and life. 

Join us at ISLA, where the future is being woven into the present, where health, safety, community, personal freedom, and harmony with technology are not just aspirations but everyday realities, all set against the backdrop of breathtaking natural splendor. Here, you don’t just live; you thrive affordably and beautifully in a community that’s as forward-thinking as it is grounded in the virtues of a life well-lived.


Available Home Sites & Lots


We offer a range of prime lots, each carefully selected to offer privacy, views, and easy access to community amenities. 

  • Coastal views, hilltop breezes, or nestled forest plots. 
  • Each lot is priced at $80,000 USD. But remember, the lot is free when you purchase a home to be built on it! 

Building Your Dream: For those seeking the minimal EMF exposure possible, our community uniquely accommodates the construction of alternative home styles such as Yurts or Dome-shaped homes. These options not only blend seamlessly with the natural environment but also cater to those particularly sensitive to EMFs, ensuring the most peaceful and health-conscious living experience.

Technical Specs of ISLA Homes

Our residential community represents the pinnacle of thoughtful design and modern living, harmoniously balancing health-conscious innovation with luxurious comfort. Our homes are bastions of tranquility in an increasingly connected world, designed to offer a sanctuary from the pervasive tide of EMFs. 

All the homes within ISLA will be built according to “the guiding principles of Building Biology” and under the consultation of a certified building biologist.  This means using ecologically sound regional materials to minimize internal EMFs, EMRs, and EMIs and provide maximum protection from external exposures.  A broadband fiber optic ‘wired’ Ethernet will offer safe and secure internet communications.  Building Biologists agree: Ethernet (wired) internet connections are healthier than wireless.  Cyber specialists agree Ethernet (wired) internet connections perform better with significantly more security and privacy than wireless.   

The meticulous planning of our homes extends to the selection of building materials known for their naturally low-EMF characteristics, specialized wiring configurations that minimize electromagnetic fields, and state-of-the-art connectivity solutions that provide speedy internet service without the intrusion of high EMFs. We’ve also integrated extra shielding within walls and ceilings, fortifying your living space against external EMF sources. 

Gran Pacifica Homes Right Now

The infrastructure has been strategically designed with the power path to each home optimized to mitigate potential intrahouse and interhouse issues. Electrically neutral transformers are positioned a safe distance away—a minimum of 10 feet—from any home to extend this distance wherever possible. Our commitment to health and safety is evident in our choice of hardwired internet services, and we are actively engaging with local providers to ensure the routers supplied meet our stringent low-EMF standards. 

The houses are a blueprint for a healthier lifestyle, with high EMF-emitting appliances and electrical panels installed as far from sleeping and living areas as is practical. This consideration is echoed in using metal mesh in exterior finishes, roofing, and protective screening over all openings. We prioritize non-conductive PEX or PVC piping and metal-clad electrical wiring, with digital (non-smart) electrical meters discreetly placed away from living spaces. 

Residents will have control over their home’s electromagnetic atmosphere with a remotely controlled kill switch for the main electrical panel, allowing for the shutdown of the entire system or specific sections. The placement of outdoor AC units and lighting has been thoughtfully considered to enhance comfort without compromising EMF safety. Furthermore, while shielding curtains are primarily unnecessary due to our comprehensive mesh screening, they remain an available upgrade for those seeking added reassurance. 

It’s worth noting that the existing EMF levels in the area are minimal, attributed to the sparse local infrastructure, rich vegetation, and distance from communication towers. However, our forward-thinking approach means we are not just crafting homes for today’s environment but future-proofing them against imminent technological advancements like Starlink. Our vision is to establish a community that revels in a low-EMF experience today and continues to thrive in a safe, healthy environment for generations. 

The Community & Lifestyle

As ISLA develops and more residents make the community their full-time home, adjacent land will be perfect for developing permaculture gardens.  Gran Pacifica will partner with Jim Gale and the Food Forest Abundance organization to get started; by leveraging the science of permaculture (permanent agriculture) and working in harmony with nature, Nicaragua’s fertile soil will yield remarkable amounts of clean, seasonal, fresh food.    

Future plans for ISLA include a restaurant, retreat center, and even a school – all powered by an offsite solar farm and supplied with fresh filtered well water.  The open-air clubhouse, swimming pool, parks, yoga gazebo, and horseback riding trails already on the Gran Pacifica property will be available to all ISLA residents. 

According to Jack Kruse, MD – an American neurosurgeon and specialist in the health implications of EMF exposure (and resident of neighboring country El Salvador) the volcanic lava sand along this area of the Pacific coast holds a unique net-negative charge that releases massive free electrons”…this exponentially increases the many health benefits of breathing the air, walking on the beach and swimming in the sea. 


Food Forest Resiliency

Climate change has made it increasingly difficult to grow crops successfully, as weather patterns are changing and excessive rainfall or heat make it next to impossible to grow annual crops in many places, which is why ISLA will be partnering with Food Forest Abundance so we not only don’t contribute to the problem but be part of the solution.  

What is a Food Forest?  

A forest garden, also known as a food forest, adopts a planting approach that mirrors the natural growth patterns found in wild ecosystems to enhance the yield of edible crops. This approach takes on a multi-dimensional structure, encouraging plant growth in every possible direction—reaching upward, burrowing downward, and spreading outward, much like the sprawling branches of a tree or the outstretched petals of a blooming flower. 

Envision a food forest as cultivating an eclectic garden. Planting a singular flower species is simple, yet the creation becomes significantly more striking when introducing a diverse mix of species. This diversity adds to the aesthetic charm and promotes various benefits for the soil and local biodiversity. Variegated gardens present a feast for the eyes and serve as a haven for ecological benefits. For example, while bees may prefer sure blossoms over others, introducing their favored flowers alongside others that typically attract less bee activity increases the chances of cross-pollination due to the more attractive species nearby. 

Similarly, food forests leverage the advantages of planting many edible species together. This method doesn’t just beautify the landscape, it enriches the nutritional value and enhances the growth potential compared to cultivating a single crop in isolation.

How Do Food Forests Work? 

A food forest employs a layered cultivation approach, creating an environment where the forest or garden replenishes itself, eliminating the need for the annual sowing of seeds. This system proves to be more productive than conventional gardening. 

Consider an individual who grows food in their own space, engaging in a rewarding hobby contributing to sustainability. Frequenting the grocery store often leads to using plastic only if one opts for reusable bags. Thus, initiating a food forest not only boosts the volume of food produced but also aids in reducing carbon footprints by cutting down on plastic usage in stores. 

Aligned with permaculture principles, which support the development of autonomous ecosystems, a food forest can yield sustenance for numerous years after it has been properly planted and conditioned to sustain itself. In addition to reducing plastic waste, food forests work in harmony with the natural environment by cultivating a diverse mix of flora, which naturally deters pests and promotes self-regeneration without the need for synthetic additives.  

The deliberate arrangement in food forests is designed to surpass the natural efficiency found in the wild, showcasing its uniqueness and superiority over traditional agricultural methods. The strategic layering of vegetation ensures a self-maintaining cycle of growth, natural pest control, pollinator attraction, and soil revitalization that requires minimal human intervention. 

In a typical forest garden, seven layers are recognized: the canopy, low tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer, ground cover, and the vertical layer of climbers and creepers. A distinguishing feature sometimes includes the rhizosphere or mycelial layer, which breaks down organic matter and fosters fungal growth, setting a food forest apart from a natural woodland. The advantage of these layers is their ability to support a dense and diverse growth of plant life, yielding an abundant harvest even without extensive farming land. This approach is increasingly important in agriculture, as climate change exacerbates farmlands’ challenges through events like wildfires and droughts.  

How is a Food Forest Different from a Traditional Forest? 

While a food forest strives to emulate the bountiful characteristics of a natural forest, there are distinct differences between the two. 

In a food forest, a selection of plants is curated to replicate the ecological framework of a natural forest. This includes planting various trees and vegetation commonly found in wild forests to foster an environment conducive to their growth as it would occur in the wild.  

Conversely, a natural forest is composed of a more significant number of layers, which present a complexity that a food forest might only partially replicate. These layers in a natural forest include the canopy, which is the loftiest layer dominated by towering trees such as oaks and maples that form a protective cover over the layers below. The understory contains younger, shorter trees that shelter the forest’s wildlife. Beneath that, shrubbery – often consisting of berry bushes and other dense vegetation – proliferates. Like diminutive wildflowers, herbs reside just above the forest floor, adding to the understory’s diversity. The forest floor is a biological tapestry of fallen leaves, earthworms, fungi, and microorganisms, all playing a crucial role in decomposing organic material into fertile soil. 

Although a food forest may not entirely mirror the complexity of a traditional forest’s structure, this does not detract from its value as a sustainable gardening practice for those interested in cultivating their food sources. 

What Are The Benefits of Food Forests? 

Those who cultivate a food forest or an abundant garden will discover many advantages. A key benefit is the emphasis on nurturing the vitality of trees, perennials, shrubs, and other plants capable of self-propagation. This is achieved by dense planting, bringing plants closer together, and using ground covers that shade the earth, reducing weed growth. A food forest advocates for companion planting with species that fix nitrogen, accumulate minerals, and draw beneficial insects that predate on harmful pests, eliminating the need for damaging pesticides. These companion plants bolster the resilience of the crops and aromatic herbs against environmental stressors, removing the necessity for chemical fertilizers that contribute to increased emissions. Since a food forest aligns with nature, akin to climate-smart agriculture, maintenance requirements are minimal, and the result is a thriving ecosystem resembling a naturally occurring outdoor garden and an attractive landscape feature, a food forest delivers substantial environmental and yield advantages.  

As previously mentioned, the plant diversity within a food forest draws a broader array of insects, which assist in pollination and pest control. Food forests also capitalize on the landscape’s contours to maximize rainwater capture, providing a renewable hydration source for the plants. Furthermore, a food forest’s strategic layout protects crops from unpredictable weather conditions like strong winds. Traditional gardens are usually only composed of one flat layer of vegetables, and food forests simulate the verticality of forests to create a highly diverse ecosystem. Typically, food forests are composed of seven layers, though depending on scale, they can be slightly less and still function similarly. These layers are: 

  • Canopy, composed of large fruit and nut trees 
  • Understory, composed of dwarf fruit trees 
  • Shrubs, such as blueberries or currants 
  • Perennials or herbaceous plants 
  • Soil surface, composed of ground cover crops like creeping thyme 
  • Soil/rhizosphere, composed of root crops 
  • The vertical layer, composed of climbing vines 

One of the most significant benefits of a food forest is its self-sustaining nature, eliminating the need for annual replanting once it reaches maturity. While fauna such as deer or rabbits may forage on specific herbs, many won’t find the food forest’s offerings tempting, or the produce will be out of reach, like mushrooms nestled in tree nooks. Even if some vegetation experiences disturbance, the regenerative design of a food forest ensures that these plants can quickly recover, thanks to the ecosystem’s inherent ability to rejuvenate itself. 

Sustainable Practices 

Promoting a circular economy, from composting to rainwater harvesting. food forests can help to mitigate climate change by reducing the need for transportation and storage of food, as the food is grown and consumed in the community. Another benefit of food forests is that they can help to conserve water. The deep roots of trees and shrubs in a food forest can help to retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for irrigation. Additionally, the diverse range of plants in a food forest can help to prevent erosion and improve soil health, which can further reduce water consumption. Trees of different sizes produce nuts and fruit, while their shade can support a variety of fresh, flavorful mushrooms, herbs, and berries. Trees also improve air quality and retain water, as well as their ability to sequester carbon.  

Sustainably grow with us in ISLA’s food forest. Our community emphasizes permaculture, ensuring a resilient food system by partnering with Food Forest Abundance. Come together as a community to learn about nutrition, healthy eating, food preparation, and preservation. Trees of different sizes produce nuts and fruit, while their shade can support a variety of fresh, flavorful mushrooms, herbs, and berries. Trees also improve air quality and retain water, as well as their ability to sequester carbon.  

Have access to sustainability-grown food in ISLA’s food forest and Come together as a community to learn about nutrition, healthy eating, food preparation, and preservation. Join us now! 


 Reserve Your Piece of Paradise

There are few low-EMF villages in the US and few, if any, in Central America. ECI has committed to developing a low-EMF village, ISLA, within Gran Pacifica Resort in Nicaragua. Consider this community if you want one that prioritizes health and wellness.  

Please proceed with the registration below, and a property consultant will promptly contact you to furnish further details of this upcoming village. 

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